</a><a href="/josephine-s-roses" title=""><img src="" data-thumb=""data-desktopImage="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124236_anabanner4.jpeg"data-desktopThumb="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124236_anabanner4.jpeg"data-mobileImage="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124237_banner2.jpeg"data-mobileThumb="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124237_banner2.jpeg"alt="slider image" /></a><a href="/milavanda" title=""><img src="" data-thumb=""data-desktopImage="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124238_anabanner3.jpeg"data-desktopThumb="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124238_anabanner3.jpeg"data-mobileImage="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124239_banner3.jpeg"data-mobileThumb="https://sanalmagaza.ae/images/thumbs/0124239_banner3.jpeg"alt="slider image" /></a>" data-effect=fade data-slices=15 data-boxcols=8 data-boxrows=4 data-animspeed=500 data-pausetime=3000 data-directionnav=true data-controlnav=true data-controlnavthumbs=false data-pauseonhover=true data-prevtext="" data-nexttext="" data-mobilebreakpoint=767>
The sunglasses we wear to protect against both harmful sun rays and snow and wind are also part of our daily style. Choosing the right glasses to match your face helps you complete your style and feel better. You can use Biggdesign sunglasses anywhere; You can use the sunglasses in which the work of the em AnemosS ”collection, designed by the artist Gamze Yalçın, inspired by Aegean influences, is applied to the seasons. The Biggdesign design sunglasses feature UV 400 protection while completing your style. It protects your eyes from harmful sun rays regardless of summer and winter and provides safe usage. Unisex sunglasses which are produced under conditions in accordance with European quality standards are CE certified. The filter of the sunglasses which is suitable for general use and can be used in bright sunny environments is in the 3rd category. It is shipped with a zippered case to prevent impacts and scratches during transportation.
The Biggdesign Anemoss Crab decorative pillow, designed specifically by Gamze Yalçın, adds marine elegance to your furniture while completing the decoration of your home. The silicone fibers in it add comfort to your enjoyment. We all know how the little touches we make in our house affect the decoration and change the mood of the living room. BiggdesignAnemoSS Crab Pillow with sea and marine theme design, , especially the flat color furniture will be very befitting. Biggdesign pillows add spring exuberance to your soul, where you can also catch a perfect fit with your garden furniture in the summer. Its removable zip case can be washed and cleaned easily with a temperature of 30°.Dry cleaning should not be done to prevent damage to the cotton 100% fabric pillowcase. Do not use bleach when washing the case and make sure to iron it on low heat. Do not use bleach when washing the case and make sure to iron it on low heat. We prepared the special and meaningful pillow which is desig
*Granit kaplama tencerelerinizi kullanırken keskin, sert veya metal gibi materyaller(bıçak ,çatal, metal kaşık, metal kepçe vs.) ile temas ettirmeyiniz.
*Tencerelerinizi susuz olarak ocakta bırakmayınız.
*Temizlemek için sabunlu ılık su kullanınız.
*Sert temizleyicileri kullanmayınız.
*Çıkmayan lekeler için sıcak sirkeli su tavsiye edilir.
*Granit partikülleri ile takviye edilmiş PTFE kaplamadır. Bu sayede daha uzun kullanım ömrü sağlar.
*Uzun süre yapışmazlık performansı sunar.
*Mükemmel bir çizilme direncine sahiptir.
*Çelik ve ergonomik sapları, kolay tutuş sağlar.
*Dış yüzeyindeki PTFE kaplama leke tutmasını engeller.
*Yeni nesil düz temperli cam kapak sayesinde şık görünüm sağlar. Yemeklerin aromasını muhafaza eder.
*Tencereleriniz elektrikli, gazlı, halojen veya seramik ocakta pişirme imkanı sağlar.
*Taban kalınlığı 4 mm dir.
Çok kullanışlı ısı yalıtımlı özellikli ana bölüm
Fermuarlı iki yan ve bir ön cep ile rahat kullanım
7,6 lt Kapasite
Ölçüleri:19,5 x 27 x 14,5 cm
El tutma sapı ve omuz askısı
600 D Polyester Kumaş
Nemli bezle silinebilir.